The square brackets appear after the lmap: mapsProp predicate, meaning that the blank node is the object of that statement. 这些方括号出现在lmap:mapsProp谓词之后,表示空白节点是该命题的宾语。
A predicate is a partial expression that can be applied to an existing node set. 谓词是用于已有节点集的部分表达式。
If BC mode is unavailable, append predicate [ 1] to the node-set expression that returned more than one node. 如果不能使用BC模式,对于返回多个节点的节点集表达式可增加谓词[1]。
Remember, a predicate applies to the node set to the left of the predicate itself. 要记住,谓词作用于谓词本身左侧的节点集。
A predicate must be applied to a node set, but it can be applied to any node set. 谓词必须作用于节点集,但是可作用于任何节点集。
It is not necessary to apply this predicate explicitly to every element to see if it is true, since processing can stop after the third node. 没有必要对每个元素应用该谓词来查看它是否是真,因为处理可能在第三个节点后停止。
The only time this predicate won't return an element is if the node set itself is empty, when the root element indicated is not named the same as a document's actual root element. 只有当节点集本身为空,即给出的根元素名称和文档实际的根元素不同,这种情况下才不会返回任何元素。
However, in a predicate, an expression like@ type refers not to the entire type attribute node, but to just the value of that attribute. 但是在谓词中,@type这样的表达式引用的不是整个type属性节点而仅仅是属性值。
It modified and-or graph with reason, regarded every predicate expression as state node to convert logic formulary into state space. 第五章基于中介谓词逻辑描述模糊知识,合理修改与或图,将每一谓词表达式视为状态结点,把逻辑规则集合表示为状态搜索空间。